abby liga photography

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We’ve all heard the cliche, “You have to spend money to make money.” Well, that is true when it comes to investing in your brand. If you don’t properly present it to your target audience, then it more than likely won’t take off. Aside from offering a great service or product and great customer service, a huge part of what makes a company successful is how they present themselves. This is done with clear messaging, a well-designed logo and website, and lastly, great imagery that aligns with the above.

So poses the question, When is the right time to invest in Personal Branding Photography?


When starting out… 

If you’re a solo entrepreneur assuming you have little to no financial backing, my advice would be to find a Personal Brand Photographer whose work you love and invest in their lowest package to get a base set of imagery going. Even if it’s just a headshot and a handful of images for your landing page, these images will be the first thing your potential customer sees when visiting your website.

Another great way to get professional Personal Branding Photos on a tight budget is to collaborate with a budding Personal Brand Photographer on a shoot where you both can cross-market the content on social media. This is ideal when both brands are like-minded and share a similar target audience. 



When you’re gaining traction…

You’ve put in the initial blood, sweat, and tears and now you’re gaining momentum and seeing your brand succeed. This is great! Your social media feed has a growing audience and you’re frequently posting, the next problem most people run into is the need for more imagery. 

This is when I would say to begin seriously considering investing in hiring a good personal brand photographer. This is not just a photographer taking pretty photos of you, this is providing the content which is the basis of your entire social media presence. The sooner your content is dialed in that appropriately represents your personal brand, the better off you will be. You Personal Brand is everything so it’s extremely important to ensure it’s representing itself properly. 




When it’s full time – Consider a Subscription…

Working with one personal brand photographer that you like will give your feed a consistent look and feel. It’s all about consistency both with posting and style. I offer subscription-based personal brand photography to a select number of clients per year where I work with them to tell the story behind their brand and provide them with a bank of high-quality images they can pull from at their fingertips. This is extremely valuable to them as it’s completely custom to their brand, it’s ready on-hand at any time, and it saves them the time and headache of trying to figure out where they’re going to find their next image. Based on the client’s needs, I offer bi-annual, quarterly, and now monthly subscriptions where I help plan, strategize, and produce full on photo shoots providing constant up-to-date, storytelling content.




Stock is out, custom is better…

I’m all for a good stock photo, but when it comes to images that represent your brand, custom is by far better. You can control it, it’s authentic to YOU, and absolutely no one else will be posting the same content. You want to show your audience how your business stands out from others in the industry and the secret is, IT’S YOU!

So, when is the right time to invest in professional Personal Brand Photography?

The answer is NOW!

Don’t start a brand off on the wrong foot, it may be the only chance you get to make the right impression!

About Abby



Abby Liga works with companies on a bi-annual, quarterly, or monthly basis for a minimum of 1 year, where she examines your current social media insights, provides strategic creative direction, produces, and photographs shoots. What you receive after each shoot is a library of high quality, storytelling imagery of your brand ready to plan and post with ease and confidence for all of your social media marketing needs. Investing in Abby’s expertise will save your company money, help to become more profitable, provide clear direction in your social media marketing efforts, and save you time to focus on other areas of their company. 

The experience you receive when working with Abby and her team will make you feel you’re in the best hands possible. Her level of professionalism, creativity both strategically and behind the camera, her understanding of learning about her client’s brands, and passion for helping brands tell their story to become more profitable is what sets Abby apart from the rest. Abby’s Personal Branding Photography has quickly become recognized on a national level as one of the experts in this niche by Professional Photographer Magazine, Rangefinder Magazine, Think Tank Photo Gear, and Orange Appeal Magazine. 

If you are looking to invest your marketing dollars to help grow your business while also taking stress out of creating the bulk of content you feel needed for the year, contact me now! Spots are limited for the year, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out!

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My photography journey began at age 14. Since then, I’ve perfected my craft through decades of experience around the world. My entrepreneurial spirit thrives through supporting other brands and businesses and supporting their dreams through tenacious ideas.

a Central Florida native and creative problem solver with a passion for all things photography.

Hello, I'm Abby Liga DiDomenico

meet the Photographer