Lisa Lyons of Lisa Lyons Events & Etiquette
Welcome to part 3 of my Personal Branding Photography Educational Blog Series! In light of my anticipated 2022 Personal Branding Subscriptions, I am taking the time to share my knowledge on the importance of Personal Branding Photography and how it can help you!
Do you want to know if a Personal Branding Photo session is right for you?
So, who is personal branding photography really for?
Before the impact of social media platforms like Instagram, one could say that Personal Branding Photography might only be relevant for people who are truly the face of their brand. i.e. Authors, bloggers, celebrities, speakers, life coaches, etc. But in today’s world, just about any brand should consider some form of personal brand photography for their company.
Renowned wedding and event designer, and owner of Lisa Lyons Events & Etiquette
During the pandemic shutdown, I witnessed an uptick in the need for personal branding images from more traditional businesses that quickly realized they needed to up their social media game, and fast. If you think about it, in 2020, almost everything was taken away from us, except social media. If you were a business owner, you needed to figure out a way to connect with your customers to let them know you were still there. And that’s where I feel a lot of traditional companies realized they needed to not look at their company as just a business, they needed to look at it as a brand.
A brand is multi-faceted and can represent emotions, feelings, make connections, gain trust, and loyal followers. In 2020, a large portion of brand messaging shifted in almost every single industry to one universal message: Communicating a level of compassion, empathy, safety, and care. It was the largest messaging pivot across the world that made every business showcase more of a “human side” in order to retain their customers. They were forced to think of their business as a brand and get creative to connect on a deeper level. Personal branding photography has become essential to have in almost all industries.
Bottom line, Personal branding photography is ultimately for any business who is needing to showcase the face behind their brand. It is also for those businesses whose values align with using high-quality imagery to tell the story of their brand.
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